#AWXII (1/3) - Advertising Week New York - key learnings

#AWXII (1/3) - Advertising Week New York - key learnings

As we near the end point of #AWXII New York, we reflect on the key themes that have come to the fore, and the areas of focus (or re-focus) that marketers should be diverting their attention towards as we enter the next year of consumer engagement planning.

We’ve broken this into 3, digestible sections for you:

1. Data
2. Multi-Channel consistency
3. Relevant Advertising
Let's kick off with a view on data...

#AWXII (1/3) - Don’t ignore your data!

At the morning session ‘Unified insights - Understanding the future of TV - today’, Brian West, Director of Research at ABC and Lisa Heimann, Vice President of Research at ABC spoke about the importance of the intelligent way we need to supply content to audiences; in a self serving fashion.

Lisa noted, “If you let viewers consume content at their own leisure, they will have a higher propensity to view more of what you produce” http://t.co/WSUeQfeSqK - arguably, this mantra can be applied across all channels and content types.

Broadcasters have on hand tied behind their back at the moment though, due the measurement as a whole, across all channels, not being complete; we aren’t getting the full picture as to how content is being consumed.

John Nitti, CIO of Zenith Media, told a packed Times Centre audience that measurement across channels needs to be ‘patchwork’ so that you keep pace with consumer changes, in how they select and consume content - don't try to control it, just try to keep up!

You can take a look at how ABC are displaying the way that audiences are consuming to their content with this free resource www.ABCallaccess.com.
